2D code is no longer a new word in China,It is full of all peoples life in China anywhere ,Such as: Be used for BUS payment,All kinds of bus pos terminal etc,All payment machines with 2D code to be used for payment.
Some key words be searched more and more on internet , such as the key word :taking bus by scanning 2D code payment,the latest bus POS terminal with 2D code scanning,Bus payment system with scanning 2D code etc,That is the truth that customer and market have widespread request about 2D code payment.
In the same time,Having a full of innovating place as China ,They have applied on wide filed by all kinds of way,In fact,some peoples believe 2D code will quickly disappear without trace before.But i always believe that point is wrong as a professional person working on internet for many years. The current speed of China's Internet technology development is very quickly,Almost it rise 100% per eight months,We have entered a big data time,AI time,many where can support no touch payment.
Shenzhen Cardlan Technology Co.Ltd as a representative of China intelligent bus 2D code scanning payment terminal.We have saw that technology develop very fast recently,If you didn’t realize that you will difficult to follow up the competitor,Then customer will put away you. So we don’t satisfy the now grade .We will focus on face scanning payment,no touch payment in the future.Also we research and develop the excellent product that will be used in the future. So that we can have opportunity in this field.
Taking bus payment by 2D code scanning,Shenzhen Cardlan Technology Co.Ltd as a technology innovating company ,We have very excellent technology,Our product have sold around the world,We have spent a lot of engineers and funds on development and innovating of
latest smart product ,We looking forward to having a great future with Shenzhen Cardlan Technology Co.Ltd.